Proof your printing project? Who has time for that?
Well, you do, that’s who! It might just be the most important part of the project.
We are all busy. At New London, we get it. Deadlines sneak up, we become overloaded on other important projects, and everyone is pulled in a hundred different directions these days. When you release that ultra-important printing project to New London you might think your job is done.
As much as we would like to tell you “we’ve got this handled” (and we do by the way) we still need you to give us just a little more of your undivided attention.
The proofing process. It seems so simple. Quickly scan a PDF and you are done…right? But wait! We aren’t really done. This is a particularly relevant part of the process especially when it comes to those jobs you have worked on for months on end.
“We always have time for a reprint!” said nobody, ever.
When we all take the time to slow down and take a good long look at the proof, we save ourselves a lot of worry and frustration.
Carefully review the proofs to make certain they appear exactly how you intended when you designed the project. Once you’ve completed proofing, we can produce your beautiful printed piece. You’ll look great in front of your audience!
What to Expect During the Proofing Process
Step 1.
In the proofing process, the first thing we will show you is a digital PDF proof. This is to verify content, not necessarily color.
Why is this step important?
This is the best opportunity for us to make edits to the artwork if needed.
Step 2.
If the artwork content is approved, we will then present you with a hard copy proof.
Why is this important?
This is the moment when color comes into play. Most of the time you will receive what we call an Improof, or blueline. These files will demonstrate how the piece is folded, saddle stitched, or die cut. Finishing details should be notated in some way.
Review this last proof closely to make certain the artwork and color appears correctly. If the color is not right, perhaps request an additional proof printed on the substrate (paper type) that you’ll be using for the entire actual job.
After thoroughly reviewing all of these pieces, let us know if the proof is approved. Once we receive your approval, we’ll go to press! (We will produce your finished product.) Need assistance with your next printing project from an expert you can trust? Contact us for a complimentary consultation or submit your request for a quote!
Matt’s favorite thing is “Taking over a project for a client and making them feel like they have nothing to worry about. We will get the job done!”