While you’re busy planning your next print job do you know all the details we, as your printer, need to get you an accurate quote? We know that a lot of times you lean on our expertise to help you figure out how to execute your great idea and we love when that happens, but…
Which Print Production Process is Best for Your Project, Offset or Digital?
Which Print Production Process Should You Choose? The two most common printing processes used today are Conventional Offset & Digital. The traditional thought process is that offset produces a higher quality product. However, the HP Indigo digital press offers a quality comparable to offset with faster turn times and at lower costs. But, how do…
Creating A Brand Space Using Three Dimensional Office Experiences
DOES YOUR OFFICE ENVIRONMENT COMMUNICATE THE MESSAGE YOU INTEND? At New London, we continually update our office environment to display new and exciting products. In our lobby, shown above, and our break room, shown below, we’ve applied custom wall paper to the walls. Likewise, we showcase products we design and produce in-house as wall art throughout our halls and…
2016 Promotional Trend Alert: Adult Coloring Books – Use for Events & Shows!
Do you have an adult coloring book? Although the trend evolved most recently with Scottish freelancer Johanna Basford in 2011 with “Secret Garden” a complex and hand-drawn book, it has grown internationally! From China to Brazil, and now the United States, adult coloring books have the reputation for relieving stress and reducing anxiety. Each of the…